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Wednesday, October 15, 2008


In Loving Memory or Dorit Shapiro who is the Founder of the Gal to Gal Foundation.
Dorit lost her battle with cancer yesterday. (Oct. 12th) So we are in need of your donations please help us meet her goal of $250,000 ..please join our team at www.galtogalwalk.org.


It is unfortunate that most of use know survivors or victims of breast cancer! It strikes woman of every age group in almost epidemic proportions! Please find it in your heart to help!

(TEAM BELISI) We are only asking for $5.00 so no other woman will suffer from Stage IV Breast Cancer. Thanks!

The virtual walk Starts on Weds. Oct. 1st and what I am asking is for you to go to both sites and http://www.desginhergals.com/ and http://www.galtogalfoundation.org/, and donate $5.00 to my team to help us meet our goal. Once you create a GAL FOR YOURSELF and a GUY for the man in your life..join our virtual walk.

This is a huge event and we want to raise a ton of money. COME ON AND HELP US OUT PLEASE!.. It is so easy to do!

My friends, Claire from Bits from a Brit and Shanda from Parents with Style will be hosting a benefit here in Michigan on Oct. 18th to help raise more money!!


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